Portuscalle Numismatica

Coleção PORTO - Moedas Romanas em Prata

Roman Imperatorial

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Comissão da leiloeira:

Roman Imperatorial

Cnaeus Pompey Junior AR Denarius. Corduba (Cordoba) mint, summer 46 – spring 45 BC. M. Poblicius, legate pro praetore. Helmeted head of Roma to right; M•POBLICI•LEG PRO•PR around / Female figure standing to right, with shield slung on back, holding two spears in left hand and with right hand giving palm-branch to soldier, standing to left on prow of ship; CN•MAGNVS•IMP upwards to right. Crawford 469/1a; CRI 48; BMCRR Spain 72; RSC 1 (Pompey the Great).
3.81. Extremely Fine; Small metal flaw on reverse at 6 o’clock.
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